People who fit don’t seek. The seekers are those that don’t fit. Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. ORBIS Training Committe can bring you back the right one.
ORBIS Final Meeting
The ORBIS Final Meeting took place on July 7th, 2023, the event was limited to the community of the project consortium. The leaders of the seven thematic packages presented the main achievements in the scientific context (packages 1-3), training, governance, dissemination of results and ethical issues (packages 4-7). A unique accent was the short speeches of participants of the ORBIS exchange devoted to their personal experiences. In a friendly atmosphere, testimonials of immeasurable benefits: being open to new ideas, gaining skills and establishing further cooperation, new friendships, broadening cultural horizons and adapting to a new environment were mentioned. Researchers for whom participation in ORBIS internships directly translated into career progress were also congratulated: promotions in the company’s structure or received grants, e.g. scholarships of the Kościuszko Foundation (Dr. Katarzyna Kosicka-Noworzyń and Dr. Marta Szukalska from the PUMP).
The meeting ended with an open discussion about the most significant benefits, surprises and challenges during the implementation of the project. Among the latter, in the first years, was, among others, the need to supplement the consortium with new partners after resignation from participation in the project of the Pharmaceutical Institute in Warsaw, one of the main beneficiaries of ORBIS. However, the most difficult and unpredictable challenges were the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Participants expressed special admiration and support to colleagues from Farmak in Kyiv, whose courage and strength allowed them to participate fully in implementing ORBIS until the very end. In summary, representatives of the project consortium spoke highly of the cooperation so far, assuring them of their readiness to continue it as part of further joint projects. The Final Meeting testified to the close ties created within the ORBIS consortium, where participants emphasized creating an open culture of cooperation in the spirit of trust, support and friendship during five years of successful joint activities.

ORBIS project cooperation with University of Central Florida – read more:
3rd ORBIS summer school on topical and transdermal drug delivery systems
The 3rd of the Project’s Summer Schools was hosted at Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PUMS) on 20th-22nd June 2022, organized by PUMS and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (RUTG). The programme encompassed lectures by recognized experts in the field of dermal and transdermal drug delivery on such topics as anatomy and physiology of skin, state-of-the art and beyond (trans)dermal delivery systems (e.g. nanoparticles, microneedles, microemulsions etc.) and relevant anaylitical techniques (such as rheology or in vitro dissolution/permeation testing).
In total, 67 individuals, both early stage researchers and experience researchers, took part in the Schools’ two-day lecture sessions as speakers and participants, representing 6 ORBIS consortium beneficiaries and partners: PUMS (32), RUTG (2), Poznan University of Technology (12), Celon Pharma (2), University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (4), Zentiva (3), University of Lublana (3). The distinguished invited speakers represented both academic and industrial expertise and background. Apart from RUTG and PUMS, the lecturers were affiliated with Jagiellonian University, Adam Mickiewicz University, Queen’s University Belfast, Certara UK, Generica Pharmaceutical Lab, BASF SE, Tiny Technologies, and CRODA. Besides the lectures, several ORBIS members participated in the practical demonstrations closing the event, familiarizing themselves with PUMS infrastructural capabilities and the methods of dissolution/permeation testing of topical formulations using UPS IV apparatus, Franz cells and texture analysis of semi-solid samples.

The lectures are available at the following link in the members area
“ORBIS supports the European Commission in promoting Staff Exchanges as part of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. We strongly encourage you to read the information leaflet. Good luck with your application!”
“We are pleased to announce the reopening of the project on October 1, 2021!
So, with new energy and enthusiasm we resume our activities!”
Dear all,
due to the pandemic declared by WHO and dynamic increase in COVID-19 morbidity, as well as due to the decisions made by the authorities of several partner countries,
we strongly recommend you cancel until revoked any secondments realised under our ORBIS project.
Simultaneously, we encourage you, if possible, to continue research and achieve the project aims, including preparation of publications which are a deliverable or an effect of task realisation under individual WPs. Of course, while maintaining all the rules of safety and care for health. Especially we ask you for help in preparation of financial report as well as periodic report/technical report.
With hope for a quick victory over coronavirus pandemic, we wish you good health and a lot of optimism.
Janina Lulek – project coordinator
Bożena Raducha – project manager
Piotr Rudzki – SC Director
Kasia Kosicka-Noworzyń -TC Director
ORBIS Mid-Term Meeting
ORBIS Midterm Meeting will take place in Poznan on 26th of September 2019.
Preliminary agenda: link
Please register here:

1st ORBIS Summer School and Workshop on Pharmaceutical Preformulation and Processing
We are greatly satisfied to inform that ORBIS project, coordinated by our University, has reached its next milestone. On 12-14th June 2019 1st ORBIS Summer School and Workshop on Pharmaceutical Preformulation and Processingwere held in Dublin, organized by Trinity College Dublin and two companies: APC Ltd. (Dublin) and JSC Farmak (Kiev). The institutions were represented, respectively, by Prof. Lidia Tajber, Dr. Sharon Davin and Dr Irina Nagorichna.19 people form our University visited the rainy capital of Ireland, together with representatives from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, the US and Ireland itself, to hear brilliant lectures on different aspects of pharmaceutical industry. The speakers invited by Trinity College and APC Ltd. gave us insight into details of preformulation, particle engineering and advanced solid state characterization, while JSC Farmak’s employees presented during the workshops their practical experience and case studies from different stages of technological development of drug products. A great asset of the event was the fact that the invited lecturers came both from academic and industrial background, which enabled the participants to get acquainted with different perspectives on the issues of contemporary pharmacy. This is the core of the intersectorality idea of projects like ORBIS, realized under the MSCA-RISE action.
Visit at The Department of Pharmaceutics of Ernst Mario School of Pharmacy
An exciting meeting and discussion of Prof. Janina Lulek (ORBIS Chair) from Poznan University of Medical Sciences (in the middle) with Rutgers University scientists Dr. Tamara Minko (on the left) and Dr. Guofenk You (on the right), Distinguished Professors from The Department of Pharmaceutics of Ernst Mario School of Pharmacy opened new research areas for future secondees implementing WP1-WP3 of #ORBISproject at Rutgers University.

Bioequivalence and The Great Wave
Dr. Piotr Rudzki from Pharmaceutical Research Institute presented the topic “Bioequivalence and The Great Wave ” to members and guests of ISPE student chapter at Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

ORBIS project and ISPE Poznan
Prof. Janina Lulek presented ORBIS project objectives to members of ISPE Poznan Student Chapter at Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

ORBIS project Kickoff Meeting
ORBIS Project Kickoff Meeting (12-13.04.18) was very prolific! Thank you once again Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Trinity College Dublin, APC Ltd, University of Helsinki, Physiolution GmbH, Zentiva & Farmak JSC for visiting Poznan University of Medical Sciences. We are very glad and deeply honored that honorary Vice Consul of Ireland Krzysztof Schramm together with Prof. Jaroslaw Walkowiak, Vice-President of PUMS, Prof. Michal Nowicki Vice-President of PUMS and Prof. Tomasz Goslinski Vice Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy PUMS have joined us during ORBIS Project Kickoff Meeting. Photo from this event are available in photo section of our Facebook profile.

ORBIS Project launch
ORBIS Project was launched today and aims to improve the preclinical pathway of medicine development focusing on processes and technologies. The goal is to integrate multidisciplinary research by involving academia and industry from EU (Poland, Ireland, Finland, Germany and the Czech Republic), EU associated country (Ukraine) and the USA. Beneficiaries and partners of the ORBIS Project include Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PL), Pharmaceutical Research Institute (PL), Trinity College Dublin (IRL), APC Ltd (IRL), University of Helsinki (FIN), Physiolution GmbH (GER), Zentiva (CZ), Farmak JSC (UA) and Rutgers University (US). Kickoff meeting of ORBIS Project will be held in Poznan University of Medical Sciences Main Library and Conference Centre from 12th to 13th April 2018 in Poznan.
Follow us on Twitter where you will find moments with the latest news about ongoing secondments!
Secondments to APC Ltd
Secondments to Farmak JSC
Secondments to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Secondments to Trinity College Dublin
Secondments to Zentiva